又爆表!美国1月CPI同比上涨7.5%大超预期 续刷40年新高

又爆表!美国1月CPI同比上涨7.5%大超预期 续刷40年新高 2月10日,美国劳工统计局公布数据显示,美国1月CPI同比上涨7.5%,增速再次加快,这是自1982年3月以来的最高水平,高于预期值7.3%,同时也高于前值7.0%。这已经是该数据连续九个...


儿童税收抵免-一个备受关注的抵免类型 上一篇文章介绍了什么是税收抵免以及税收抵免的类型是什么。关于税收抵免中的某个类型——儿童税收抵免,对很多家庭来讲可能还不太熟悉。了解该政策对于有孩子的家庭来说意义重大,因为这个政策将在很...


相信许多人都有过类似的经历,看着自己庞大的税务支出却不知如何处理。今天,我们就来讲一讲什么是税收抵免,也许能帮受税务困扰的你们进一步理解税收抵免,进而能够多多享受税收抵免给你们带来的优惠与便利。 什么是税收抵免? ...

如何建立你的信用----- 开启你的信用之路(下)

4.信用的一个误解,你需要有信用记录才能获得信用选择,比如信用卡。 确实,坚实的信用记录是获得某些信用卡资格的关键,但即使你正在建立信用或有有限的信用记录,仍然有其他选择。 第一种选择是有担保的信用卡。这张卡需要现金存款作抵押,通常等于该卡的...

What an Amazing 2 Month Asset Depletion Program!

This program-Asset Depletion is designed for borrowers who have significant verifiable assets and would benefit from alternative loan qualification m...

如何建立你的信用----- 开启你的信用之路(上)

租公寓,买车,买房。不管你是否使用信用卡,拥有良好的信用记录可以让你在财务和个人目标上走上正轨,为未来开辟更多的选择。放款人和房东会根据你的信用评分来决定他们是否想和你做生意。如果你没有分数,贷款人可能会拒绝你的申请——即使你有很好的理财习惯。 建立良好的信用始于...

Self Employed Mortgage: How To Get Approved?

These loans have different mortgage guidelines than standard loans. These are mortgage loans for self-employed borrowers that otherwise ma...

What is Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) and How to Use It?

DSCR Program is short for Debt Service Coverage Ratio, which determines the maximum loan payment based on a property's income, thereby also deter...

Non-QM-Asset Depletion Program

Keyword: Non-QM Asset Depletion Program This program is designed for borrowers who have significant verifiable assets and would benefi...

Non-Qm-12/24 bank statements program

Keyword: Non-QM Self-employed 12/24 bank statements This program is designed for borrowers who are self-employed and would bene...


新冠疫情爆发以来,房市就一直火爆不断,最近美国房屋贷款银行家协会(Mortgage Bankers Association)的最新报告显示,购买新房的房屋贷款申请较去年夏季激增17%,那么贷款时,作为一个房地产投资者应该如何选择?是选择不查收入贷款还是传统贷款,我们来通过对比回答这个问题。 ...

What if I can not qualify a conventional loan?

Keywords: Non-QM,DTI,Low Rate,Best Price,Mortgage Lender,Fannie Mae Conventional loans have restrict requirements of DTI rati...

DSCR--Foreign Nationals

We all know DSCR, which is a very simple program and just need to put the occupancy into consideration. DSCR is preferred by a lot of agents, so le...


ATR-IN FULL is a new non-QM program that just needs assets to qualify, anddoesn’t estimate DTI. This program just needs qualified assets to be over...

Bank statement ,business or personal?

The bank statement is a product that estimates a borrower’s income by analyzing deposits in the account.It use DTI to qualify like conventional loa...