Second Home(度假屋/第二套房) or Parent Home(首套房)?

关键字:度假屋, 房屋贷款,Second Home, Vacant Home, Parent Home 今天我们来解读Agency对second home的要求,顺便帮大家区分Second Home和ParentHome。 ...

Maximum Financed Properties for Me

Key Word:Financed property,Limitation of number Do you feel confused when it comes to financing your home but being told you cannot ...


报税季节即将到来,对于第一次报税的人来说,搞清楚这两张表的区别非常重要。报税表根据工作性质的不同分为两种:W2和1099表。 1099 vs W2 填写W2的属于雇员(Employee),包...

什么是title report?

每当买房地产在买卖交易时, 提供买主及贷款公司和相关单位, 总会要买主签 名证明看过及了解报告内容在限定时间内可决定是否继续或终止交易的初步 认证产权报告(Preliminary Title Report). ** 什么是初步认证产权报...

What is impound(什么是impound)

Escrow impound accounts are those accounts which lenders set up to collect 'up-front' money from you when you take out a mortgage to cover futureex...


关键词:不用工作收入,租金,房贷,投资屋 这是一种专为投资屋设计的贷款,不需要考虑客人的工作收入,不考虑客人其他负债,只用标的房屋的租金来满足贷款合格性要求。 要求: 1.贷款种类:买房、重贷都适用; 2....


在每年报税季2月份左右的时候,你可能会在自家的信箱里发现一张甚至多张1099表。有些人可能以前没听说过1099表格是什么,就会一脸问号:为什么自己会有这些文件?收到1099表格意味着什么?1099表格对做房屋贷款有什么作用呢? ...

Will a new credit card affect my mortgage application?

When you’re on the cusp of purchasing a new home, it’s natural for home buyers to want to buy furnishings and decor to make it as comfortable and f...

Fixed-Rate Mortgage and ARM, which one is more suitable for you?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Fixed-Rate Mortgage and ARM? Which is more suitable for you? Fixed-Rate Mortgage ...

Mortgage Process in 6 Steps

For mostpeople,the first thing they thinkofis going to a real estate agent when they want to buy a house.In fact, the first thingyou need to dois t...

Mortgage Glossary

Additional Principal Payment A way to reduce the remaining balance on the loan by paying more than the scheduled principal amount due. Adjus...

Conventional Mortgages: Everything You Need To Know

Conventionalmortgagesare a great choice for many homeowners because they offer lower costs than some other popular loan types. If you have a high e...

What Is A Mortgage? Loan Basics For Beginners

A Simple Definition Of A Mortgage Before we dive in, let’s talk about some mortgage basics. First, what does the word “mortgage” even mean? ...

Types Of Mortgages For First-Time Home Buyers

Loan Type 1: Conforming Loans Conforming loans meet the basi...

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